KiwiStar cares
Produce for Life 7
During the month of September 2021, Trucco, in collaboration with Medrano, was proud to sponsor Produce for Life 7, an initiative created to benefit childhood cancer research at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.
For every bag of limes and every clamshell of kiwis purchased by our buyers—regardless of the size—Medrano and Trucco donated 20¢ each to MSK Cancer Center.
Up to 80% of all litter in our oceans is made of plastic. Every day, items like plastic bottles, bags, cups, and straws are dumped after just a single use. At the rate at which we dump plastic, by 2050 we will have more plastics in the oceans than fish.
To address the problem of plastic pollution, KiwiStar has created a 100% plastic-free and recyclable paperboard packaging for our Kiwifruit. We are excited and committed to do our part to reduce plastic, one Kiwi at a time.

KiwiStar Cares wants to show our contribution to Jack D. Weiler Hospital in the Bronx, New York, supporting hospital staff, healthcare workers during the Covid crisis and the community with philanthropic donations and kiwifruit donations to their food pantry Project Bravo